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Job Quality: It's What's On The Agenda This Legislative Session
It’s that time of year again; 43 states are preparing for their State Legislature or General Assembly to begin in January, while two have already started, and five gear up in February and March. Though each state has its policies to create, enact, or kill, some common themes emerge among proposed legislation for workers across the nation. Uplifting the out-of-school time (OST) profession has been an NAA focal point since day one. Now, equipped with a more robust advocacy strategy, NAA is poised to support a comprehensive overhaul of job quality in the field with our Thriving Workforce Initiative.
Mammoth Spending Bill Includes Support for Afterschool, Summer, Mentoring and More
In December, the 117th Congress approved a $1.7 trillion bill that included a $40 million increase for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) initiative and additional increases across the US Department of Education important to afterschool programs, public schools, and the people and programs that support them nationwide. The bill also included hundreds of Congressionally Directed Spending Items—items that were requested by Members of Congress based on feedback from their communities. Years ago, such requests were called “earmarks,” but the process and parameters for such requests have narrowed. Plus, the term itself carries some negative connotations due to past abuses.
Results Are In! Voters Agree that Afterschool Is a Necessity
Turning on the news today, it’s hard to fathom an issue that can generate good will on both sides of the political aisle. But based on new polling results released today, voters nationwide come together in their support for afterschool programs—agreeing that they are a necessity for communities and that expanding access to programs should be a priority.